
Making sustainability a priority is good for your customers, your business and the hospitality industry.

Adopting sustainable practices

We’ll work with you to adopt more sustainable purchasing practices such as efficient ordering to cut waste or reducing the number of deliveries to cut service costs, staff processing time and your carbon footprint. More sustainable practices are often more cost-effective so margins improve too. And we’ll look at where your products are sourced. At Lynx, we demand the highest standards of animal welfare and environmental stewardship from our suppliers, backed by tough independent accreditation. Our customers promote this positive story on their menus and on social media.

Doing the right thing

Because we work closely with our customers and our trusted suppliers, we know we can be a powerful and positive influence for change. We believe in supporting UK producers, in ethical sourcing, in paying a fair price for products and not entering a race to the bottom in terms of price and quality. We build open, honest and mutually beneficial partnerships with our suppliers and our purchasing customers. For us, and our partners, these are commitments that never end

Sustainable fish
Sustainable fish
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