Holmes Care Group

Holmes Care Group


Holmes Care Group

Holmes Care Group

Care Home operator Holmes Care Group is achieving savings on essential purchases across a broad range of products and services, without compromising on the quality and high standards it provides to residents, thanks to its partnership with buying specialist Lynx Purchasing.

Founded in 1982, Holmes Care is an award-winning family run care group, providing the highest standards of care and support. Tracey Chaplin, Procurement Officer for Holmes Care Group, says: “With 22 Care Homes across our business, managing costs and having effective supply chains is of paramount importance.

“Lynx Purchasing has negotiated our main food supply agreements for more than 10 years, and now manage our waste, stationery, and kitchen appliance contracts too. They provide excellent support both centrally to our Head Office, and directly to our individual homes.”

This direct support proved its value when the group added 12 new locations through an  acquisition in December 2021. Lynx’s team visited all of the new homes, introducing the procurement business and how it supports the group, while at the same time ensuring a smooth transition.

Since the acquisition, Lynx has introduced two significant new suppliers, in meat, and fruit & veg, to the Holmes Care Group business. Working with Tracey and the three Regional Operation Managers, in order to maintain buying discipline, Lynx has set up Agreed Buying Lists with each home. These are maintained and updated by the two Lynx business managers working with the group, who negotiate pricing with suppliers, and suggest options for mitigation when price increases are implemented.

Lynx now also generates reports on spend at each location, with the reports circulated to the  ROMs as well as relevant head office personnel, in order to ensure that costs are closely monitored and managed. Lynx also co-ordinates nutritional training for each care home

Tracey added: “Lynx is extremely accommodating to any request and will try their utmost to assist with queries or resolving a problem, often taking on additional analysis to ensure we are working towards our set business targets.”

Lynx recently supported the group with a major project on both trade and clinical waste  management, and was able to identify a significant overcharge in the existing arrangements. “Without them, we would not have saved time and money. Analysis of data is their specialist area, and really helped us understand our costs.”

Overall, says Tracey: “They provide great support across all areas, and are an extension of our business, as they understand our supply needs inside out. We have no hesitation in recommending Lynx to any business – they are incredibly friendly and always go above and beyond.”

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